Robots veranderen het werk van ons allen – in Trouw

“Robots veranderen het werk van ons allen” (PDF) – opinie-artikel in Trouw 8 augustus 2015 in de serie “Later in Nederland” Als we onszelf aan het werk willen houden, moeten we onze beroepen heruitvinden én veel meer zelf organiseren, aldus futuroloog Marcel Bullinga. Er wordt ons de komende jaren steeds meer werk uit handen genomen door apps, robots en 3Dprinters, die steeds meer met…

Diminished educational skills due to Internet of things – in PEW Research

The 2014 Survey: 2025 Ubiquity – The Internet of Things A hyperconnected world due to embedded computing, wearables. There will be “de-skilling” in workplaces and personal “anti-video firewalls” to protect people from spying Internet experts and highly engaged netizens participated in answering an eight-question survey fielded by Elon University and the Pew Internet Project from late November…

Future of Work 2050 Survey – State of the Future Milennium Project. Do robots destroy or create jobs?

Futurist Marcel Bullinga participated in a Delphi survey of 300 global experts about the Future of Work in 2050 by the State of the Future Milennium Project. The questions are clear, the answers are not. Will future technologies (AI, robots and such) create more jobs than they destroy? Will it increase the global income gap? Will a basic income be necessary? Here…