If the global community of futurists were an ice cream shop, Marcel Bullinga would be the banana split: big, colorful, fun, and a little nutty. The Dutch author and public speaker has a presentation style that is overflowing with strong visual aides, well articulated predictions of the future, and enthusiasm (see the video below). His latest book, Welcome to the Future Cloud, brings that high energy style to the year 2025 as Bullinga gives a rousing description of the technologies and cultural norms that he believes will shape humanity fifteen years in the future. The crux of civilization seems to rest on the “Cloud”. More than just the current buzzword signifying computation as service rather than product, Bullinga’s Cloud is an all-encompassing technology, a name for the collection of networked services that will permeate every part of life. To understand more Singularity Hub turns to the author who was kind enough to answer a few questions about his book, his vision, and himself. See the interview here:
Interview with Marcel Bullinga by SIngularity Hub about his book Welcome to the Future Cloud