Marcel loves robots dearly, but secretly wonders if they won’t steal his job…

Available in Dutch: Marcel’s new book (March 2019) about robots and AI: Everyone a robot! How robots are going to save our economy and democracy. Here you find an summary in English (PDF).

A global brain, the rise of robots & artifical intelligence, a sustainable world…. Futurist & Trendwatcher Marcel Bullinga rushes through 10 questions about the future in his keynote Are You Futureproof? (or obsolete in 10 years). With a heavy dose of sustainability, some intelligent humour and lots of robots. Currently, Marcel is writing a book about future robots and trying to create the first global Robot Trendwatcher.  Marcel: “To me, the future is no surprise. As a keynote speaker and chairman I have given hundreds of presentations in 20 years time for clients at home and abroad. I am not an industry watcher but a trendwatcher, and as a trendwatcher, I typically talk in a positive, yet critical way about the societal effects of technology. I am the outsider from Mars, so to speak. I predicted the rise of the Internet – which proved to be right. Now I predict the rise of the robots and the super professional. I’ll show it in my sparkling keynote. See you!”

Marcel Bullinga (“Guru 2025) is among the leading trendwatchers of the Netherlands with a proven track record. He is getting interviewed regularly about his future vision. His main topic is the future of work, economy & education, but his keynote “Obsolete in 10 years or Futureproof?” ranges from Smart City to DIY Energy, from Care Robots to Super Government. As a chairman, Marcel chairs conferences 100% interactive with speed and humor. This is Marcel’s latest fully recorded presentation, about the future of robots, on an international conference about design & technology, which he both chaired and presented at: Please Hurry Up the Robot Takeover

10 KEYNOTE QUESTIONS Is the future expensive? Do we share and print everything? Do we travel to office by car? Can you predict the future? What stays, what disappears? Will robots steal our jobs? What are the  jobs of the future? What will our children learn? Are you obsolete or superprofessional?
MANY KEYNOTE REVIEWS “With a sharp edge and  a sense of humour”. “Makes you wonder…”  “Dear Marcel, this morning you left behind a very enthusiastic crowd. Your story was trending topic!” -“We enjoyed your presentation very much. It was a very diverse group of more than 20 nationalities, but you met or even exceeded our expectations” -“You gave a splashy Outlook!”

MUCH DESIRED CONTACT  +31-6-29552946 | | @futurecheck

LOTS OF GLOBAL IDEAS Marcel regularly contributes to the future surveys by leading US research institute PEW:

Inline afbeelding 3Inline afbeelding 6Inline afbeelding 5Inline afbeelding 4Inline afbeelding 1Inline afbeelding 2

You have a disappearing job?
Or a job of the future?

MUCH HISTORY More than 20 years ago, Marcel started out as an Internet pioneer. He cofounded the Dutch Digital Citizens Movement and wrote the first Dutch book  about democray and technology, Spiders in the Digital Web (1994). He is author of the book Welcome to the Future Cloud – 2025 in 100 Predictions (2011), member of trendwatch think tanks @techcastglobal, @Trendrede and @Trendgilde, and teacher at @academiemm & @studytube

LOTS TO CHECK OUT Tweets @futurecheck |English interviews and blogposts | English Photos and videos Slideshare presentations

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