Some of the most prominent and respected technology experts and analysts made far-ranging predictions about the Internet of Things and privacy in PEW’s Research Report Digital Life in 2025. Some 2,558 experts find striking patterns in their predictions. They predict the Internet will become ‘like electricity’ – less visible, yet more deeply embedded in people’s lives, for good and ill. The Internet of Things will thrive by 2025. And the major threats are governments and multinationals. In 2012, PEW conducted a grand survey, Hyperconnected Youth in 2020. Futurist Marcel Bullinga contributed to both reports.

If you do not have time to read the 2 reports, or Marcel’s contributions down under, then read the news coverage. Some of Marcel’s views, like “cloud immigrants” and “home holodecks” made the headlines:


Marcel Bullinga’s quotes (his contributions to both the 2012 and 2014 reports):

PEW_bullinga-quote“Copyright and patent will die away”

Marcel Bullinga, technology futures speaker, trend watcher, and futurist, said, “Sharing is hindered by ridiculous 19th century laws about copyright and patent. Both will die away. That will spur innovation into the extreme. That is the real singularity.” – Read full report on Net Threats

“There will be de-skilling in workplaces and personal anti-video firewalls to protect people from spying”

Marcel Bullinga, futurist and author of author of Welcome to the Future Cloud—2025 in 100 Predictions, responded, “There will be benefits and threats at the same time, of course. Two major areas of impact will be work and education. There will be diminished work skills … There will also be diminished educational skills: less need of knowing facts, as they present themselves on the spot in real-time on your glasses. A major global megatrend here is de-skilling—our children will learn less and achieve more. Of course, they will also suffer from major social media stress traumas.

The rise of the body-as-key and the body-as-interface is highly likely because the advantages are clear in terms of better decision-making on the spot, but it will also raise major social distress, not because of the augmented reality part, but because of the video-capture feature. We will not only have Google Glass-free zones everywhere, but also personal anti video firewalls around our body, protecting us from spying.” – Read full report with Guru’s Answers


“Not ownership but access is the key to the future. We need Spotify houses and Ikea homes”

Marcel Bullinga, futurist and author of author of Welcome to the Future Cloud—2025 in 100 Predictions, responded, “The future will be cheap—due to the fact we can print everything, know almost everything, and share everything: knowledge, innovation, infrastructure. The future will also be highly competitive, raising much social distress, and we will suffer from a massive lack of focus and mindfulness. The key to the future is not ownership but access. We need trendhouses: houses that we do not own, but that we are subscribed to. We need a subscription to health-, living-, and energy services. Spotify-houses and Ikea-homes in one.” – Read full report

Contribution to a survey by PEW Internet Research about The Future of Privacy by futurist Marcel Bullinga. Together with global experts like Vint Cerf, Jeff Jarvis, Howard Rheingold and Paul Saffo.

‘In 2025, we will have a post-Facebook and post-Google world’

The Future of Corporate Responsibility, PEW Research (2012)


The Always On Youth needs time-out zones

Futurist Marcel Bullinga contributed to PEW report by global experts about youth in 2020 (February 2012). Imaging the Internet / PEW Research: Youth in 2020. General conclusion: “Always On youth will both profit from and suffer because of their hyperconnected lifes”. Marcel Bullinga’s advice:  “We need time-out zones at school, meditation classes without smartphone and education in ignoring people.”

The Editorial says:

• Reform of the education system is necessary to help learners know how to maximize the best and minimize the worst. Reform could start by recognizing that distractions of all kinds are the norm now. Educators should teach the management of multiple information streams, emphasizing the skills of filtering, analyzing, and synthesizing information. Also of value is an appreciation for silence, focused contemplation, and “lessons in ignoring people,” as futurist Marcel Bullinga put it.

Marcel Bullinga explains:

•  “I call the virtual teens and adults the Game Generation. Game Generation teens will build, not lack, social skills online and they will be able to transfer them to the face-to-face world. They will also learn and work as if they are in a game. Game Generation teens and adults will have lasting problems with focus and attention. They find distraction while working, distraction while driving, distraction while talking to the neighbours. Parents and teachers will have to invest major time and efforts into solving this issue. Silence zones, time-out zones, meditation classes without mobile, lessons in ignoring people. All in all, I think the negative side effects can be healed and positive outcomes will prevail.” — Marcel Bullinga, futurist and author of Welcome to the Future Cloud—2025 in 100 Predictions; based in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Source: PEW 2012 report