“The Always On Youth needs time-out zones” – in PEW report

Futurist Marcel Bullinga contributed to PEW report by global experts about youth in 2020 (February 2012). Imaging the Internet / PEW Research: Youth in 2020. General conclusion: “Always On youth will both profit from and suffer because of their hyperconnected lifes”. Marcel Bullinga’s advice:  “We need time-out zones at school, meditation classes without smartphone and education in ignoring people.” The Editorial says: • Reform of the education system is necessary…

Is er leven na de crisis? Investeren in 2025

Is er leven na de crisis? “Investeren in 2025” Interview met futurist Marcel Bullinga in Miljonair Magazine december 2011. Ter gelegenheid van dit artikel is Marcel Bullinga speciale gast op de  traditionele lunch van JFK Magazine op Business Monday. Hoofdredacteur Willem Baars praat met Marcel over de toekomst. Ontmoet Marcel tijdens de Netwerkborrel van de Milionair Fair op Business Monday…